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Thursday, 11 June 2009

Why set this blog up?

Well the easy answer would be to say something like "its a way to vent out my frustrations" and in a way that would be correct. However my wife is always telling me i do nothing but moan and complain all day long. So i thought about what she said and concluded that she was just moaning.

Anyway i got to wondering if there were other people out there like me, that enjoy having a moan about everything. Maybe some people could actually see where i was coming from. I don't believe all that sexist rubbish about men being the worst moaners. I have seen and dated a few that could moan for England if not the world..... except my current wife of course *coughs* She is the light of my life and i love her with all my heart....

Moving on... I will apologise for the look of this blog. I know it is very basic, but one thing you will discover about me is if at all possible i will always do things the easy way. That is if i am able to *sighs*, for example (you ready for it, here comes my first moan)

I was setting up my new google mail account to use on this blog and thought i would make my username something simple and easy to remember. I tried my name first, and guess what message i got? "Sorry that username is taken" (you see where this is going) I tried my favourite football team "Sorry that username is taken", i tried various nicknames because i didn't want to have stupid numbers before or after my username as i would keep forgetting what it was when someone asked me for it. After a wasted half an hour of my time and many many "Sorry that username is taken" messages i tried one more.......

..........please wait............
............"Sorry that username is taken"

I was starting to see red mist when a monitor saving moment occurred. Yes you guessed it, i typed Sorrythatusernameistaken as the username and i saw something i had never saw before..... "Available" and 5 mins later my heart rate was getting back to normal. So at least now you know what your letting yourself in for by reading my blogs. I hope you find some of my future moans amusing.

You are more than welcome to contact me and tell me what makes you moan (in a none sexual way please) just email me at: ..............................

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